Hunter Owens

About Me

Hi, I'm Hunter.

I do data science in the public interest. Over the years, I've worked at the The City of Los Angeles,Impact Lab, the Center for Data Science and Public Policy, and Obama for America. I spend a lot of time thinking about cities, data pipelines and tacos. Let's talk.


Data Points Podcast

I was a guest on the John Hopkins Center for Government Excellence Podcast, Data Points. With Carter Hewgley and Rayid Ghani.

Los Angeles Early Earthquake Warning App

Article in RouteFifty about my team's work to help launch an open source earthquake early warning application.


Python at City Scale

Given at PyDataLA. How does the nation's second largest City use Python to deliver a variety of key data science projects and initiatives? This talk goes through the gov IT details of going from an org that procures solutions to building our own using Python and the PyData stack.

The Good, the Bad, and the Extremely Obtuse

Given w/ Rebecca Williams. You've heard of GDPR, but are you aware of how recent legislation by Congress and California may affect your beat? A disussion of the impacts of recent legislation, including: the Foundations for Evidence-based Policymaking Act, the Geospatial Data Act, the Grant Reporting Efficiency and Agreements Transparency Act, and the California Consumer Privacy Law. They discuss how this legislation affects access to data, tracking down data, formats of data, and other nuances of the governmental data making process. We also speculate wildly on how future legislation could impact government data management.

Towards a Taxonomy of Government Data

Given at CSV Conf 2017. In this talk, I advance a taxonomy of potential ways to catagorize and use government data for practictioners.

Demystifying Data Science

Given at School of Data LA, General Assembly, and used internally at LA City. Talk Slides.

Just-in-time: Changing student outcomes using Analytics and Machine Learning

Given at Do Good Data 2016. Talk Slides.

Student Data, for Students?

Given at Code for America. Slides.

Governing via API

Given w/ Kegan Maher. This talk, at SCALE Linux Expo Socal, examined how the Mobility Data Specification was a test case of using a set of API standards to enforce government regulation and advance public policy.

Building Your First Data Pipeline

Workshop for PyData DC and PyData Chicago. This workshop lays out why you need a data pipeline and how build them using open source python libraries such as luigi and open data. Video.

Government Data: The Building Block

Given at the Talk Data to Me at General Assembly. This talk introduced new data scientists to the concepts of government maintained data and showed how we use it all, as residents, in our day to day lives.

Building Data Workflows

Given at the Hack@UChicago Learnathon. Github Repo.

Tools and Philosophy

I turn to Python and Javascript most often, with a smattering of Julia and R as needed. I work at empowering teams to deliver real, reproducible analysis that changes public policy outcomes.

Side Projects